Laravel Reverb is a WebSocket server specifically designed for Laravel applications. It enables blazing-fast and scalable two-way communication between your server and client-side applications. Here are some key features:

  1. Real-Time Communication: Reverb allows you to establish real-time connections between clients and the server. Whether you’re building chat applications, live notifications, or collaborative tools, Reverb makes it possible.
  2. Pusher Protocol Compatibility: Reverb utilizes the Pusher protocol for WebSockets, which means it seamlessly integrates with Laravel broadcasting and Laravel Echo.
  3. Speed and Efficiency: Fine-tuned for speed, Reverb can handle thousands of connections without the delay and inefficiency of HTTP polling.
  4. Horizontal Scaling: You can easily scale your WebSocket infrastructure by using Reverb’s built-in support for horizontal scaling with Redis. Manage connections and channels across multiple servers with ease.

How to get started:

1. Installation: Install Laravel Reverb via Composer:

composer require laravel/reverb

2. Configuration: Add the Reverb service provider to your config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    // ...

3. Run Reverb Server: Start the Reverb server using Artisan:

php artisan reverb:serve

4. Forge Integration: If you’re using Laravel Forge, Reverb has a first-party integration. Deploy your application with Forge, and Reverb will be ready to go.

Dive Deeper

For a comprehensive guide on using Laravel Reverb, including channels, events, broadcasting, and authorization, check out the Ultimate Guide to Laravel Reverb
or use official Laravel Reverb documentation.

Happy coding! 🎉