January is the month of last year’s summary. It is a great opportunity to take a look at its achievements so far and plan further actions. What happened in fireup.pro in 2019? In the following article you will find the answer to this question.
One of the most important events in the business aspect of our company was the successful completion of the Due Diligence process and joining the Digital Knights network. Only 7% of the verified companies are successful and we joined the group in 2019.
Additionally, in October, Clutch published an annual report on the top B2B companies in Poland, and our company was included in the Development Custom Software category. We are among the best!
Searchmetrics company from Berlin, a supplier of SEO platform microservices, has joined the group of our clients. Together we work on several projects in which we use such tools as Ansible and AWS products, thanks to which we create tools and services that allow us to manage the infrastructure of microservices, DataDog as a tool for monitoring microservices (logs, metrics, alerts), as well as Dropwizard, a set of libraries for creating microservices.
We are strengthening ties with our current customers by expanding the scope of joint projects. The best example is the cooperation of fireup.pro with mySugr or Trans.eu.
What is more, since last year we have been providing services for a new industry for us – the energy industry.
Tools and technologies that we used and developed in 2019:
Node.js + Typescript – in the Metrix project (presented, among others, at the Hyperlog conference, which we wrote about here ), we used Node.js, so popular with giants (Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Uber). More than that, we added TypeScript, thanks to which the application was created in a short time. To visualize the data we used the library of charts D3.js, and for tests – cypress.io.
Camunda – a business process modeling tool (the visual design of the process, time trigger processing).
Kafka, Kafka Connect, Debezium – allow us to collect data from different locations (databases, queuing systems, services) in one place for analysis, archiving, or further processing.
Gatsby – a web framework, built on the React.js and GraphQL library, for developers using React, the popular User Interface library. Thanks to exporting the application to a static version, we gain application speed and cheaper maintenance on the server.
Firebase – a Google product. Firebase can be responsible for backend architecture, marketing, performance monitoring, management of uploaded files, testing, modifying applications, and safe storage. Thanks to Firebase we can create any application without using the backend. We can connect any framework such as Angular or React and work with Firebase.
And many others. The life of a developer is very rich in tools of any kind.
HR / Recruitment
In 2019 we hired a total of 21 new people, mainly programmers. They created 4 new teams! One of them is Data Science team, which is working intensively on developing new products and services. The staff turnover remains at the level of about 4% (3 out of 70).
In 2020 we will continue to increase employment. You absolutely need to take a look at our Career tab to see if we’re waiting exactly for you!
It was a very intensive year for employer branding! In January we started with a keynote that officially opened our new office space on the 10th floor of the K1 office building. This is our third floor in this place.
Apart from coding and testing, we also do sports. We can play foosball on a daily basis, but our sports struggle is not only e-sport. It is also football matches on the pitch, playing volleyball, skating and even sailing together! We also met at the evening of board games (organized in cooperation with Rybnicki Zalew Gier). We combined the event with celebration of the Children’s Day, to which we invited families of our employees. In September, on the occasion of Programmer’s Day, we organized bowling and billiards. In the new year we want to make use of our certified yachtsmen and feel the wind in our hair on the joint voyages.
Conferences, meetups
In 2019 we took part in 15 conference/meetup events, we were speakers at several events (including internet-beta), we participated in two Hackathons (SHack Vienna and Hackathome by Sandoz), from which we brought awards. We visited the United States 3 times, including going to the biggest AWS event: re:invent 2019. In 2020 we will be there too, and in an even bigger circle! We will also appear in several other places, and we will keep you informed here and here.
Training, development
In the past year, our development has been focused on the Oracle certification and the expansion of Machine Learning skills. Our employees have obtained OCA and OCP certificates and have learned the secrets of ML useful in the life of frontends, backends and QAs. Internally we conducted 7 Tech Talks, including node.js, SQL/noSQL bases and machine learning.
As you can see, last year was exceptionally intensive. 2020 – here we come!
Software Development
If you liked what you read, consider contacting us at fireup.pro – meet us, tell us about your needs, and we’ll think together about a possible course of action. This won’t cost you a dime and might open up some nice new possibilities. Stay in touch!
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Magda Chabuz
The presented content was written by our experts and is based on our company's experiences.
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